Zog Welinski’s Day Off – “The First Day Off”


Zog Welinski’s Day Off

Category: IDM
Album: The First Day Off

I can’t remember listening to anything more boring in my life. “He’s insane,” you’re surely saying. “There’s got to be a million things more boring than that!” Well, that may be, but I’ve never heard them. Plus, those things are probably better. Because if the music is worse, it can at least be funny. And if the music is better, then it wouldn’t be boring. No, the sheer mediocrity, combined with its tremendous length, makes The First Day Off the most boring CD ever.

Imagine: 7 songs taking 63 minutes to listen to… Hell, the track “End” is eight and a half minutes by itself! That’s not really an “end,” now is it? “End” implies that something reaches the point where it no longer continues and stops. Not so on this album. The “End” seems like it goes on just as long as the rest of it.

I imagine that the CD (and band) got the name in some way relating to the fact that it takes you an entire day off just to get through this piece of shit.

Okay, okay… It’s not that bad. But the fact that you’ve got 7 tracks of what is, essentially, music from a video game droning on, endlessly, for roughly 8 to 10 minutes per track… It’s pretty numbing. I would be on the computer and look away for several minutes from the CD player. Then I would turn back, sure that the track had changed. But the counter would be there, mocking me… “No, friend, you’re only 7 minutes into this masterpiece. You’ve got 5 more minutes to go!”

So, this CD can only be recommended for the most devout electronic chill-out music addicts and terminal masochists. Just be sure to turn your brain off before you turn the CD on.


from ReGen Magazine (~10/2004)